About donation
Record your donation decision today.
Here’s where you can find out more about organ and tissue donation and what it might mean for you and your family. Find out more and how to record your donation decision.
Your Choices
Changing lives
One donor can save the lives of up to 9 people, and transform even more by donating tissue. Learn more about what you can donate and the choices you have.
We need everybody
Not sure if you’re eligible to donate? All of us can do something to help, whatever our age and whatever our health.
Donation and religion
All major religions support the principles of donation and transplantation. It's your individual choice.

Opt out system of organ and tissue donation
Scotland has an opt out system of organ and tissue donation. Find out what this means and why you should still register your decision.
Pictured: Cornea recipient, Radha Sundaram. Read her story here.

Changing lives
Your decision could give someone else a second chance of life. Read inspiring stories from transplant recipients and donor families about the difference donation can make.

Living kidney donation
In Scotland there are currently over 400 people in need of a kidney. Living kidney donation is an exceptional gift that can transform the life of someone on the transplant waiting list.
Pictured: Jackie Keogh and her sister, Marion Hunter. Read their story here.

Why we need more donors
Around 500 people each year are waiting on a transplant but only 1% of people die in a way that makes organ and tissue donation possible.
Pictured: Kidney recipient, Malcolm Armstrong and family. Read his story here.