2016/17 Organ, tissue and transplant report card published
The annual Organ, Tissue and Transplant Report Card has now been published.
The number of patients living in Scotland whose lives were saved or improved by an organ transplant continues to increase.
The number of deceased organ donors in Scotland increased to 133 in 2016/17 from 99 the previous year – this is a 34% rise. 348 people in Scotlandreceived a deceased donor organ transplant. This was the highest ever number of transplants.
The proportion of cases where donors or their family authorised organ donation increased from 57.4% in 2015/16 to 63.3% in 2016/17.
Nearly 2.4 million people in Scotland are now on the NHS Organ Donor Register, which is approximately 45% of the Scottish population - the highest rate in the UK.