Organ Donation Week 2018 (3 - 9 Sept)
This year’s Organ Donation Week will mark the start of our 2018-19 drive to raise awareness of organ and tissue donation
This year’s Organ Donation Week will mark the start of our 2018-19 drive to raise awareness of organ and tissue donation and will highlight the importance of sharing your decision with family and friends. Last year our campaign generated a tremendous amount of interest and media coverage, resulting in 14,966 people registering to be an organ donor during the seven-week campaign period.
Look out for the ‘We Need Everybody’ TV adverts, newspaper articles, social media posts and our new animation which will be publicised during the week and beyond. We’re also joining up with a number of organisations and retailers to help spread the word about organ and tissue donation.
This year we’re lighting up key buildings, such as hospitals, monuments and other tourist attractions in green during Organ Donation Week. If you see any buildings which are lit up in green please take a snap and send your photo to organ_donation_scotland@gov.scot or post them on social media.
During the week there will be lots of activities happening locally to raise awareness of organ and tissue donation. Our Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation and their teams will be out and about across Scotland hosting stalls and events so if you see them, please take a minute to go and meet them and find out more.
We welcome your support during Organ Donation Week to spread the word about why we need more people to join the Organ Donor Register and why it is really important that people share their decision with family and friends.